Monday, 27 October 2008

I'm BAD!

You know it, come on!

I'm only wearing one fingerless glove*. It's cold in the office and that's all I can find.

I have had a weekend filled with in-laws and sleep deprivation and plumbing. All I want to do is hide under my duvet and the weekends are never long enough and can't we have enough economic unrest that we only get to work a 3 day week? I would be quite happy with that as long as I could keep my little house and its duck-down duvet.

* ETA: That is only as in "Only one of two", not only as in "I am nekkid apart from one fingerless glove". It's far too cold for that.

1 comment:

k. said...

The idea of a 3 day week always appealed to me, too. There is the unfortunate not being paid part...

Someone decided we needed air in my office, so we had open windows for the morning-count yourself lucky you had 1 glove!