Tuesday, 8 July 2008

So What's Happening Today?


Firstly I have orange eyes. Spooky. Well I have enough orange in my eyes to dye my contact lenses so the world is a little off-kilter. Nothing major, just a little bit.

I had a couple of new kiddies at martial arts last night and my only little girl has been practising her flexibility and won herself a tube of smarties. She was really really pleased! I love her, she is very quiet and very smiley, but she gets it. Her mum says she's been practising and wouldn't entertain the idea of not coming when the traffic was really bad, so they got out of the car and ran to my class!

I have spoken to the bank, and also to the solicitor, and to the surveyors today. I was going to call the estate agent and let them know what is happening, but the solicitor hasn't been to his office since last Tuesday. He will be there this evening to hopefully receive the HIPS pack, memorandum and draft contract. Hopefully our mortgage documents will be waiting for us to sign when we get home, and then I just have to hope that our solicitor moves quickly and that we don't have any search hiccups.

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