Thursday, 12 June 2008


The estate weasels have me bummed. Our 3rd property fell through yesterday after a lot of hard work from me. It always felt a little wobbly from the get-go, so I can only presume it was for the best. The weasel says that there will be another property exactly the same on the market in a week. I have heard that before, and am still waiting to hear about a carbon-copy of house number 2!

Yesterday I spent my evening in the gym, and crafting. Both great ways to take my mind of the impending no-house doom. Unfortunately I had to buy some more stuff for a few projects I wanted to make, and now the bedsit is fit to burst with craftiness! DH has suggested that we have a big tidy up at the weekend to make the place nicer to live in. I suppose it can't hurt, and I might end up clearing out a fair bit to the charity shop! I might even find some clothes other than jeans and T-shirts. Or at the very least, some other t-shirts...

Oh yes, and the Kata is officially nailed. My instructor says that it shows that I have been practising. Heh! What does he know? I haven't done a jot outside of class, but I will let him believe I work hard...

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